How many movies Vijay Devarakonda and Rashmika Mandanna did together?
Vijay Devarakonda and Rashmika Mandanna did a total of two movies together and in these two movies they became very popular and their pair was very liked by the audience. Below is the list of two movies that Vijay Devarakonda and Rashmika Mandanna have done together.
1. Geetha Govindam (2018)
2. Dear Comrade (2019)
Geetha Govindam (2018) is the first movie release of 2018. Geetha Govindam movie is a romantic movie.
Dear Comrade (2019) is the first movie to release in 2019. Dear Comrade movie is a romantic movie.
Rashmika cried after the kiss scene with Vijay Devarakonda
First 'Gita Govindam', later 'Dear Comrade'. After acting in two films with Vijay Devarakonda, he was rumored to be dating Rashmika Mandana. But not with the love rumours, another incident hurt Rashmika. The incident that caused him so much pain, the effects of which lasted for a month. He spoke about this in an interview recently.
Bharat Karma's film 'Dear Comrade' was released in 2019. The film did not do well at the box office but received critical acclaim. Rashmika played the role of cricketer Lily in 'Dear Comrade'. There was a kiss scene between him and Vijay in the film. Criticism started with that scene. Many on social media derided the scene as 'just a propaganda ploy'. Rashmika was mentally broken in this incident.
Rashmika's first Hindi movie 'Goodbye' was released this month. The actress spoke about this in an interview given to promote the film. He said, 'When the incident happened, it had a rash of one month. It was a very painful moment. Then I would wake up crying, many times I would wake up crying.
Rashmika could not talk to the family about the matter. Because of which his mental condition worsens. In this context, he said, 'I have gone through a terrible mental state. It was a very difficult time. My family is not used to these things, I can't even tell them what happened. They never want to see me sad.'
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